Our catering business was borne out of a passion to deliver quality authentic homemade meals for Individuals and Corporate institutions. This saw our director leave behind a 25-year career and take up an active role in delivering quality meals to our clients.
Below are the services we offer.
If you’re hosting a corporate event, providing the right food is essential to make your guests happy and keep the energy up. Our corporate catering involves an extensive range of food options that cater to different tastes and preferences.
We provide daily tea services and offer the provision of tea attendants to corporate clients, thereby relieving them of the burden of managing these tasks and enabling them to concentrate on their primary business operations.
Our meal planning consultancy and training provides clients with advice on how to create healthy and nutritious meals while also taking into consideration their individual dietary restrictions and preferences, as well as their time constraints.
Ridgewood Kitchen and Caterers is a catering company that delivers quality authentic homemade meals for both individuals and corporate institutions.